Woman is a Rational Animal

Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs was an urban theorist and writer, born in 1916 and died in 2006, who thought about the way that urban organization impacts city life and social issues. One of the most influential figures in pivoting the conversation of urban studies away from the...
Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt, born in 1906 in a German Empire, was a Holocaust survivor known worldwide for her extensive contributions that extend across the social sciences, from political economy to psychology. As one of the most influential political theorists of the twentieth...
Helen Longino

Helen Longino

​​Historically, men have dominated most discourses in the fields of science and philosophy. Since then, the exclusion of female perspectives and criticism has created a knowledge gap where half of humanity’s wisdom has been overlooked. Thankfully, this is changing;...
Dorothy E. Smith

Dorothy E. Smith

Imagine you are riding a train in a rural stretch of countryside and look out the window. You see a Native American family: a woman, man, and their children standing by the river watching you pass them in the train. But how do you know that they are a family? Perhaps...
Simone Weil

Simone Weil

In prestigious academic communities, it can be common to hear complaints against capitalism, over-intellectualism, and the devaluation of labor from capitalist intellectuals who haven’t ever worked in the labor force. While it’s obvious that academic papers will offer...
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